Absolutely not, this is also corroborated by all the relevant scientifically based reading research. 

The sooner the better!

Does this mean older students would not benefit? All students benefit, any age if they have the 

phonological deficit, this is the cardinal deficit of a reading problem.

Precisely, each student must be tested for intervention and their deficits analyzed. For example, a student who cannot blend and has short vowel discrimination problems would NOT be able to swim in a small group, those issues must be carefully dealt with first-Approximately 8 lessons 1-1.Our research study showed 3 students at once or with a highly ad teacher even 4 can be remediated at once.

A restaurant tray 

A mirror for short vowel and sound teaching

Magnets or tiles for segmentation

Sticky notes for manipulation exercises

Magnetic strips to cut out the sound tiles if you wish

A rubber or tennis ball

Spelling with speech sounds, the grapheme phoneme connection in an explicit and systematic 

curriculum leads to orthographic mapping, the lodging of these words in the brain leads to sight

 reading.” Spelling is the bond ”Dr. Linnea Ehri. Fluency is also built with repeated reading of 

taught orthographic concepts . National Reading Panel, 2001

“Fluency is the bridge to reading comprehension” Dr. Reid Lyon and Dr. Jo Torgeson

The explicit systematic curriculum is accompanied by 

8 hours of Vimeo instruction , teachers with students, modeling lesson plans.

Learning to properly articulate your sounds is crucial to successful instruction for your students.

Take the phoneme deck and watch the video and practice.

Yes, many students we see in intervention are not L.D./Dyslexic, they simply are missing information that is crucial to being able to read and spell. Osmosis and sprinkle phonics don't  work for so many.

Indeed, it is a crucial exercise for strugglers so they stop guessing and start reading. Think of the scales of the piano when you study music, the song is directly aligned to the notes of the scale. After the first 32 explicit systematic lesson plans we   take the wheels off the bike, the student is attempting to read everything.

W-9 Form
